Karan’s family had a continuous reading of the Guru Granth Sahib – the holy book of the Sikhs. The holy book was brought to their house with due honours and read by ‘Pathi’s for a period of three days. On the third morning, the reading concluded with a session of ‘Kirtan’ and Karan and Sana exchanged rings, amid the presence of all family – many of who had flown in from as far off as the UK to be with them in their moment of joy. A lunch for the guests was also organized in their garden after the engagement.
One of Karan’s friends from school – Jivjeet Singh, got the Dholis to drum up a funky beat and everyone present came forward to shake a leg. Luckily, we could steal the couple away for a short while to take some fun pictures with them in the back-gardens while their guests enjoyed the lunch.
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I always enjoy your photographs- like the way you see the weddings and the colours . Well done!
Brilliant work with the lens as always. I am starting to think of any unmarried in my family to force him/her to marry so that I can get you for photo shoot
Though, I can get you for mine too but I wish…
But seriously Ramit, you are very good at this. Keep up for the good work.
Your photographs make me want to get married, over and over and over again.
Very happy photographs… make you forget all of life’s troubles.
wow sir ji i like ur photography style.
ur work is amazing